RyExport for Windows
Utility Software takes pride in our products. We aim to resolve any issues as quickly as possible. New features are often requested by customers, and we try to add them regularly with care not to impact existing functionality.
We publish our version history to be transparent about the fixes and features we've added.
Existing customers can:
Upgrade to a newer version at any time to get fixes and new features
Downgrade to older versions if specific behaviour is required
Change Log: RyExport for Windows
ExporterRy for Windows v1.0
Initial release
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: 219b95fe1a51def3232f0eeb4298263b
ExporterRy for Windows v1.1
Updated contact details
Only 25 Topics and Chats exported per team or forum
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: a60743cbfbacc0dcdaa76ec44e9e8f3f
ExporterRy for Windows v1.2
Limit increased to 5000 Topics and 10000 Chats per team or forum
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: e60e7204d17d1d905466484e9bc6af34
ExporterRy for Windows v1.3
Unlimited number of Topics and Chats are exported
Improved progress log messages and user interface
Index.html file now created for each export
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: 8eef13d59e4ab3d81964b5de245eaf5c
ExporterRy for Windows v1.4
Zip file containing all exported data can be produced, as an option
Improved error handling
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: 206b342be7f02d0329ed06969800f650
ExporterRy for Windows v1.5
Comments on topics and tasks can be exported, as an option
Updated license agreement
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe = 3a84e1b11d40751e16a2bbce5417b269
ExporterRy for Windows v1.6
Added UTF-8 BOM to JSON files to make file text encoding explicit
Generate HTML from in-memory JSON data instead of re-reading the file to avoid potential encoding errors
Corrected minor typo in index.html
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: c320d10cfab96c340debca25ae522db6
ExporterRy for Windows v1.7
Exporting continues on error
Error files are created on error for further analysis
Works with Chrome v81 and above (linebreaks in cURL command)
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: 7f75c40b3d2ec288b43c645fa8bf00dd
ExporterRy for Windows v1.8
Team and forum names are now included at the top of Comment pages
Fixed error exporting a Task or Topic which has a double-quote in its title and also has comments
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: d0c77d01c3ba80d5681042bf694aba1a
ExporterRy for Windows v1.8.1
Fixed error exporting Teams and Forums that have colons and slashes in their name and no nickname
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: 35777b6e27013087fafb6e9b1c0ab897
ExporterRy for Windows v1.8.2
Fixed table of contents broken links to Teams and Forums with no nickname
Each Team and Forum now has a unique nickname generated if one does not exist
Exporting can continue if an error occurs when handling an earlier error
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: 890797e2e3be1df352db22f87e5cff33
ExporterRy for Windows v1.9
Attached documents and embedded images can be exported, as an option
Tasks are exported on the task board and also individually with attachments
Emoji names and ascii smileys are converted to emoji unicode characters in the html files
Statistics are captured during the export and reported in the export log and index html file
Data protection reminders are displayed in the export log and index html file
Teams and Forums are exported to separate directories so the data is more clearly structured and it is easier to search a specific area
URLs in markdown text are converted to hyperlinks in html files
Export log is saved to a text file for future reference
Html files have been improved to remedy minor syntax errors
Blank comments pages are created when comments exist but you selected to not export comments
User Guide link from the main window now opens a specific version of the User Guide that applies to that application version
MD5 hash of ExporterRy.exe: 2e43d1d6a10135f3e1da931d425bc98d
Renamed to RyExport - read more about the change of name here.
RyExport for Windows v2.0
Application renamed to RyExport with a new logo
Login using your Ryver username and password
Chose whether to export Teams or Forums or both
Ryver entities can be exported in JSON format
Entities include items previously not exported, such as Users, Integrations, Team Members, and Watches
Entities also include a repeated export of all tasks and topics in a flat list
Wizard user interface for more clarity
Live view of statistics during the export
Third party libraries upgraded to latest versions
MD5 hash of RyExport.exe: cb19f03889a445d5cb00b57e1dd8aa71
RyExport for Windows v2.0.1
Fixed defect when exporting a team with a trailing space in its name and no nickname
Adjusted error handling so the export will continue if there are issues creating the directories for a team or forum
MD5 hash of RyExport.exe: f224486b572a67a06945051d7017aa37
RyExport for Windows v2.1
Duration of export, start time, and end time are recorded in the export log
List of users are included in the table of contents
User Notifications are excluded from entity export because this is personal to each user
Updated to Licence version 2.1 with clearer information on per user and source code licensing
Login fields have hint text and larger font size
Third party library versions are included in the export log
Application zip now includes user guide
Better message when the Ryver organisation is not found
Minor improvements to export log, reducing amount of logging, and fixing typos
Remove colon from after URLs in log to make them easier to copy
Extra page information has been added to entity JSON files