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What are the export limits in RyExportAs far as we can tell there are no limits. RyExport should export any organisation that is feasible to create. Forums and Teams - There is no practical upper limit on the number of forums or teams Tasks - We have exported over 500 tasks per forum or team. The upper limit on tasks will be limited by memory. Exporting a large organisation uses 150 MB of RAM. Topics - We have exported over 15,000 topics in a test forum. They are exported in chunks of 1,000 topics per file. Chats - We have exported over 25,000 chat entries in a test forum. They are exported in chunks of 1,000 chats per file. And our customers have exported Ryver organisations larger than that!
There was an error during exportPlease contact with a screenshot or a description of the error. We'll try to help you sort the problem as quickly as we can.
How do I download the application?When your online payment is received, we will send you an email containing the download link. The link is also shown on the order confirmation page. The download link is available for 30 days. After that, it will no longer work. Please contact us at if you have any problems downloading the software.
Can I get a refund?If our software does not meet your requirements we are happy to issue a full refund. All we ask is that you contact us to describe how your requirements were not met. This way we can make improvements for future customers.
Why do you have such a long disclaimer in the licence?To keep costs down! We think our products are great and will do what you need. But we don't want to be taken to court because someone relied on our products to build a self-driving ship that sailed into an iceberg. Or something. In fact, we don't want to get taken to court at all. If you have a problem please let us know as soon as possible and we'll do our best to sort it out.
Do you add VAT?Our store prices are VAT inclusive. We do not 'add' VAT to the prices in our store. But we are VAT registered and account for VAT correctly on all invoices depending on the taxation circumstances applicable to the location of the sale. If you have any questions please get in touch. Why VAT inclusive? Our list prices are inclusive of VAT where it applies, or zero VAT where it does not. This is unusual for most commercial software sales. The reason we do this is because most of our sales are currently subject to a zero rate for VAT, and we don't want to show different prices conditional on your situation, and we don't want to suprise customers by adding VAT at checkout. What appears on the invoice? When VAT applies to the sale, we will invoice you showing Unit price + VAT totalling the list price shown on our store. Our invoices are customised to reflect the correct amount of VAT which applies to your particular sale, based on your location, your or our country's VAT rate for digital goods, and whether we as a business have reached your or our country's VAT threshold. VAT will be part of the price shown in our store. What does this mean for VAT registered businesses? If you are a VAT registered business, and if we need to include VAT on the invoice, then we expect you will be able to reclaim the VAT component as an input tax. Congratulations, you will be paying less for our products than people who are not VAT registered. But you have the overhead of dealing with the government so I'm sure it all balances out. The scenarios below explain which VAT rates apply to our sales. Are Utility Software Limited registered for VAT? We are VAT registered in the UK. We are below the UK VAT threshold at the moment and only registered for VAT to register for the EU VAT MOSS so we don't charge UK VAT (see HMRC guidance This will change once sales grow and we'll update the store and this FAQ if we change to pricing excluding VAT. We are subject to place-of-supply charging which means we charge VAT at the rate that applies at the customer's location. We then forward the VAT component to that country so they can spend it roads, schools, and other things that generally benefit the customer. We use the EU VIES service to validate your VAT registration number if you are in the UK or EU. What does this mean for sales in different places? We sell Digital Goods which have special VAT treatment in many countries around the world. 1. Sales to businesses in the EU (outside of UK) VAT rate 0% - We use the 'Reverse charge' mechanism so you can sort out the VAT with your local tax authorities. We are classing our products as Digital Goods, on which there is a zero threshold in the EU. We will issue a VAT invoice showing our VAT registration details, your details, and zero VAT, with "Reverse charge" annotation. This won't change as we grow but may change after Brexit depending on the agreements made between the UK and the EU. 2. Sales to businesses in the UK VAT rate 0% - We are under the VAT threshold at the moment and only registered for VAT to register for the EU VAT MOSS (see HMRC guidance). This will change once sales grow. For now we will issue invoices with zero VAT, and "Below UK VAT threshold" annotation. 3. Sales to businesses in the rest of the World (outside of EU and UK) VAT rate depends on location - We calculate VAT depending on the rate and threshold which applies in your country for Digital Goods. We are not near the threshold for most countries so won't be charging VAT in those countries for some time. Once we cross the threshold of your country we'll include VAT in the price. Some countries (like Turkey) have a zero threshold, so we'll pay VAT as soon as we get our first customer from Turkey. Our invoices are VAT inclusive (we deduct the VAT from the price shown on our store website, and show that amount on your invoice as VAT). 4. Sales to consumers (and non-VAT registered businesses) in the EU (outside of UK) VAT rate depends on location - We will charge VAT at the rate application to your country (place-of-supply rules), but will reduce our unit cost so the total you pay is what you see on our store website. We will provide you with a VAT invoice but you won't be able to reclaim it. What you see is what you pay. 5. Sales to consumers (and non-VAT registered businesses) in the UK VAT rate 0% - We are under the VAT threshold at the moment and only registered for VAT to register for the EU VAT MOSS (see HMRC guidance). This will change once sales grow. For now we will issue invoices with zero VAT, and "Below UK VAT threshold" annotation. What you see is what you pay. 6. Sales to consumers (and non-VAT registered businesses) in the rest of the World (outside of EU and UK) VAT rate depends on location - We calculate VAT depending on the rate in your country and the VAT registration threshold. We are not near the threshold for most countries so won't be charging VAT in those countries for some time. Once we cross the threshold of your country we'll include VAT in the price. Some countries (like Turkey) have a zero threshold, so we'll pay VAT as soon as we get our first customer from Turkey. Our invoices are VAT inclusive (we deduct the VAT from the price shown on our store website, and show that amount on your invoice as VAT). What you see is what you pay.
Why do you sell the source code?We sell the source code so people can inspect it, or make their own modifications, for their own use. Our license does not permit reselling modified versions of the source code. For most people the packaged applications are fully functional and will meet their requirements. You do not need to buy the source code to use the applications.
Can I use your source code in my application?No. The source code can only be used within your own organisation. You may want to inspect the source code, or modify the application for your own use. If you want to use our source code in your own application for use by other people or organisations, please contact us to discuss licensing terms.
Build errors - The name 'InitializeComponent' does not existWhen you first open the Solution in Visual Studio, you may see a bunch of build errors, like: Error CS0103 The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context C:\...\RyExport\Ui\Pages\ExportPage.xaml.cs This is a known issue with several versions of Visual Studio. Open the file that is showing the error Make any edit (e.g. change "ProgressCounter" to "ProgressCounter2" Rebuild the solution Revert the edit (e.g. back to "ProgressCounter") Rebuild the solution a second time More information:

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