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RyExport Source Code (C#)

Fulll source code for RyExport- an independent exporter for Ryver data


This package contains the source code and templates for the complete RyExport for Windows application. It is written in C# and .NET 4.7.2 with a WPF UI.


If you just want to run the application please only purchase RyExport for Windows. This source code is provided for people who want to inspect the source code or modify if for their own use.


The source code (with or without your modifications) can be used across your whole organisation but cannot be resold or shared outside your organisation.


Product documentation

  • Licence contains important terms and conditions and exclusions

RyExport Source Code (C#)

  • Language: C# 7.3 with .NET 4.7.2

    UI Framework: WPF

    Third party libraries: StubbleCore, Markdig, Newtonsoft Json

    IDE: Visual Studio 2017 v15.2

  • We grant you a license to modify the source code for use in your own organisation. You may not distribute the source code or any derived works outside of your organisation. For full license terms please read

We will email you a download link once your order is complete

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